AI/ML Services

Discover. Learn. Automate.

Our extensive experience in AI services build smarter solutions that lead to faster decision-making and better business outcomes.

delaPlex AI/ML Services

Our AI specialists and data science teams analyze your data, identify opportunities for automation and eliminate barriers to AI adoption. Whether you need to integrate intelligence in your existing applications and systems or build thought-through AI apps from scratch, we offer proven solutions that derive enhanced value for your organization.

delaPlex Expertise

  • Image, Audio and Video Analytics
    Extract valuable information from multimedia data
  • Text Analytics
    Detect trends, patterns and insights from a large volume of unstructured data
  • Sentiments Analysis
    Retrieve and generate contextual insights to gain an overview of your customer’s sentiments
  • Natural Language Processing
    Transform data from human languages into normalized and structured data for further analysis or enhance machine learning algorithms
  • Recommendation Engine
    Suggest relevant products and services to your customers by analyzing their historical data and buying behavior
  • Document Clustering
    Organize textual documents into meaningful groups and retrieve information faster
  • Applied Intelligence
    Combine the power of AI, analytics and automation to build sophisticated solutions that compete or even surpass human intelligence for given objectives